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Church Planting, News Joleen Alexander Church Planting, News Joleen Alexander

Boldly Forward Never Alone with our growing church plant communities

At Fellowship Pacific, we receive amazing updates of how God is working through our church plants.

We want you to have more access to these growing communities so together we can celebrate, pray, and support them as we see lives transformed for His glory. We invite you to explore our Fellowship Pacific Church Planting webpage.

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Regional Director Update, News Joleen Alexander Regional Director Update, News Joleen Alexander

Letter to Churches: Succession Information

To the Leaders of our Fellowship Pacific Family,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I am writing on behalf of our Regional Board to formally let you know that we have taken steps to ensure a successful succession plan for the Regional Director of Fellowship Pacific, David Horita. David had informed us at the beginning of his last contract period that he would not be renewing again at the end of this contract, feeling that it is time to make the changes necessary to set up the Fellowship for its next era of ministry.

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Regional Director Update, News Joleen Alexander Regional Director Update, News Joleen Alexander

Happy New Year: A Letter from David Horita

Happy 2025 to each of you in Fellowship Pacific!

It is great to enter into another year of service together with you, seeking tangible and meaningful Kingdom outcomes that will honor our Lord and God. It is a blessing to join with you in ministry.

However, while it is truly fulfilling to be “appointed to his service” as per Paul in 1 Timothy 1:12, we also know that there are challenges in that service. While true, I sometimes wonder whether anything in the nature of those challenges has actually changed or will change in 2025.

There is a tendency for many of us to resolutely accept that the world has gotten worse or more adversarial to the gospel that we love and preach. Sure, there are all kinds of indicators that our country is less “Christian” than it once was, but please allow me to at least question whether or not this assumption is actually true. You may well disagree with me, but it is harder for some than others to not ask questions about our assumptions! That certainly includes me. But feel free to engage the conversation in the discussion section of the Commons, our Fellowship network.

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News Joleen Alexander News Joleen Alexander

Thank you, Mike!

Hello Fellowship Pacific! We want to keep you in the loop about staffing changes that are occurring at the Fellowship Ministry Centre, specifically that Dr. Mike Mawhorter has stepped down from his role on the Connect team, effective the end of 2024.

Some of you may be aware that Mike joined the team in 2019, with an expectation that he would be helping out for an interim period. Mike proved to be such a great addition to our team that his time with us ended up lasting over 5 years.

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News, Regional Director Update Jessica Powell News, Regional Director Update Jessica Powell

Happy New Year!: A Note From David Horita

Every year-end, I expend a fair amount of time writing two-page, individual, personal letters to each of our Fellowship Pacific staff. I am unsure if it is a valuable use of time from their perspective, since the letters have a fairly unfiltered “stream-of-consciousness” style to them. On the other hand, I want each of them to end the year hearing how important they are to me and to the work we are striving to do together. The truth is that they are awesome people who are passionately committed to our churches and to the mission God has given us. More importantly, they are my coworkers with Jesus.

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Staff, News Jessica Powell Staff, News Jessica Powell

Thank you, Dan!

We are pleased to announce to all of our churches and agencies that Dan Cody resigned as the Team Leader for the Fellowship Pacific Resource Team, effective the end of 2023.

That sounds bad, doesn’t it? So, why are we pleased?

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News, Church Planting, Stories, Ministry Highlight Jessica Powell News, Church Planting, Stories, Ministry Highlight Jessica Powell

Standing Still Gets You No Where

Standing Still Gets You No Where

Believe this truth?

I am not talking about pausing to catch one’s breath or stopping to enjoy the view or slowing to evaluate one’s direction or recalibrating from failure or resting from energy well spent. I am talking about stopping, and not moving again.

The heart of the gospel is movement. God drawing close to us. Us responding back to Him. Us moving with Him. God does not call us to stand still.

God reveals this movement—His gospel—through church planting.

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Staff, News Jessica Powell Staff, News Jessica Powell

Thank You Doug!

As 2021 comes to a close we are getting ready to say a fond farewell to Doug Fordham, whose long and illustrious career with the Fellowship Pacific Ministry Team will be winding down at the same time. Yes, it's true that Doug “sort of” retired already—a few years ago—but has continued working part time providing many valuable services from his home office ever since.

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Immerse, News, Stories, Events, Resources Jessica Powell Immerse, News, Stories, Events, Resources Jessica Powell

EQ Boot Camp 2021

Emotional Intelligence impacts our leadership, relationships, and ultimately our effectiveness in sharing the gospel. This statement drives the ongoing invitation extended to our pastors, ministry workers, and Immerse students to be a part of an EQ Boot Camp, and we have been privileged to host three of these in 2021!

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